
  1. andrewBwinter

    The Wings Thread

    I am a huge fan of polishing-off a couple of pounds of wings after a workout. @BigTex mentioned that there's a great little wing place around the corner from where he lives. Think about the nutritional information: Animal protein Dusted or breaded - complex carbs sauced - simple carbs from...
  2. R

    should i try reducing my carb intake? high shbg guy

    hello! i have seen my shbg at 70 ish and recently saw it in the 50. i always eat planty of carbs (around 270-300 atm) and wanted to see if my testosterone goes up (not on trt). is it worth a try even with high shbg? 6’ last time i checked my weight i think it was either 149.5 or 151.5 if i...
  3. R

    should we avoid fruits in our diet?

    when it comes to veggies, fruits and sugar. is it better to avoid them for healthy T? (talking about sugar inside fruits and veggie)