normal testosterone levels

  1. N

    In-range Testosterone/E2 levels but extremely low DHEA-S levels

    Hi all. This is a crosspost from the thyroid related section. I had these blood results taken earlier this year. I have a few questions, primarily around my very low DHEA-S levels. For context, I am a 27 year old male. Follow up questions, are my testosterone levels alongside my estradiol...
  2. N

    Odd results, high FSH, high LH but normal testosterone

    Hi I'm a 46 year old man and I've had a series of strange hormone results over the last few years, although I have been discharged from the endocrinolgist I still have unanswered questions, as does my doctor. In fact, I was told I was in the normal range even though i clearly haven't been. I...
  3. B

    Natural Testosterone diurnal patterns? trying to dial in TRT and dose timing, etc.

    Has there ever been studies done on natural diurnal patterns of healthy males... such as blood taken ever hour or 2 hours throughout a 12-24 period to see how steady Total and Free Test levels are? From my limited research the consensus is that Testosterone is the highest in the AM and falls...