
  1. I

    Best Medications to improve Ejection Fraction in Testosterone Users?

    It turns out I had crazy high blood pressure (170/100), likely for months, too much caffeine, stress and I'm 125kg/275 pounds / 192cm/6'4, 44 years old. Last week a cardiologist put me on Dipperam 5+160 (5mg Amlodipine + 160mg Valsartan), using this first once a day and after 2 days moved on to...
  2. madman

    The role of nebivolol in the management of hypertensive patients

    According to the most recent international guidelines, β-blockers maintain a central role in the management of hypertension, being recommended at any treatment step when there is a specific indication, such as heart failure, angina, post-acute myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, or...