nandrolone decanoate

  1. M

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Hello, I'm writing this post to gather opinion and insight from others on a similar path. I've been prescribed Testosterone for two years. Due to various reasons, adding Nandrolone Decanoate as an adjunct has been suggested by my provider. Although I will follow my doctors advice, I wonder how...
  2. T

    High blood pressure running higher dosage Test and Deca

    Using throwaway account here for obvious reasons but i need some NON judgemental advise, considering i already know the levels im on are NOT therapeutic. I started with defy back in 2015 on 100mg test, 0.25mg anastrzole and 500IU HCG injecting every 3.5d and stayed on this protocol until i moved...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel Talks About Nandrolone, hCG, Hormone Ratios, AI’s, and More

  4. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Hello, what's the concensus about Nandrolone monoterapy used as HRT instead of Testosterone? I now there are indicated and used for HIV patients or people who need to avoid Testosterone side effects. Does men here do it?
  5. J

    Nandrolone Decanoate Report

    I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew the doctor was part of a study that found Deca to...
  6. E

    Can I predict gynecomastia while on testosterone and nandrolone (Deca)?

    Hello If my testosterone total is high E2 normal DHT Low can I still have gyno?
  7. N

    Low dose nandrolone with low dose testosterone

    Greetings everyone, I am 48 years old. 5'5", 150 lbs, 15% body fat. Currently doing a mild ketogenic diet to lose some adipose and bloat. I D/C'd t cyp at 87 mg/week via 3.5 injections per week due to bloat, high E2 symptoms, and no "benefit" on 12/13/19. I cannot tolerate ANY AI. I use zinc...
  8. P

    Low Dose Nandrolone

    Hi, all. I had an appointment with my provider today, and he recommended low dose nandrolone with my current trt protocol. I'm currently on daily propionate injections, and they work really well. My problem is that I have a lot of joint problems, and he is hoping that deca will offer some...
  9. M

    New Muscle wasting interventions

    Hey guys, I would like to bring up this topic to talk about new, safe interventions for muscle wasting disorders. I'm torn on the research of Nandrolone. I love it's beneficial effects on nitrogen retention, red blood cell production, bone density and a possible addition to TRT for controlling...
  10. M

    Nandrolone and anabolic steroids effect on thyroid

    Hey guys, I’m read many studies that show anabolic steroids such as Nandrolone cause hypothyroidism. In the case of muscle wasting, would thyroid hormone be used with anabolic steroid therapy? Any information on this subject would be much appreciated! [Abuse of anabolic steroids and its...
  11. G

    Is nandrolone decanoate or Deca easier on your HCT than testosterone?

    I've been on TRT replacement for a year and I've been plagued by it raising my Hematocrit levels. I'm wondering if Deca has the same effect on HCT as testosterone. I know it's not used for trt but I'm just looking for people with experience using it. Wonder if it can be used with hcg to keep...