Looking to start treatment as feeling ruff.
Got sustanon from pharmacy.
What do you think about my numbers?
In good shape, eat good, workouts sucks though as with such numbers i get no recovery, wake up tired, brain fog, bone health, sex drive, libido and some ed. Nore symptoms but that be...
Good read.
"Still keeping up your New Year’s resolutions to make it to the gym every day and eat healthful food? Congratulations, you have officially made it past “Fall Off the Wagon Day.” Defined as the second Saturday in February, it is the date on which, according to analyses of gym...
Quick question, do you feel any different if you stop Hcg?
I started testosterone about two or three years ago and added Hcg 500U 2x per week shortly after. For the second time in a year I have run out of Hcg awaiting my pharmacy order. After about 5-6 days without it, my motivation and...
I have been on T for almost a year and it has absolutely changed my life!
Everything has been going great until lately, I just don't feel like working out anymore. At all.
Has anyone experienced this?
I do run a stressful business. I'm not sure what it is. I was so consistent in my...
Hi all, I'm new here and have been wanting to start actually getting into shape. I'm a slim/slender guy and I'd like to bulk up a bit (~145-175lbs) as well as increase my memory. I've been reading about various supplements for this and was wondering if anyone could share some insight on good...
What is stickK?
Everyone has a goal. For some, it's losing weight, for others it's exercising regularly. Maybe you'd just like to grow a ponytail.
But if it's still just a goal, it means you haven't reached it...yet.
If you're ready to turn that goal into an accomplishment, you're ready...