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  1. R

    Sperm motility discussion

    So on trt with hcg my motility ranged from 15% to 2%. Came off everything on December 26th 2022 and started a PCT protocol. Had sperm tested on 13th March 2023 and motility had risen to 20% with all other numbers normal. My question would be do you think this will still rise as only been 3...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Antioxidants for the treatment of male infertility: an overview

    Almost 15% of all couples trying to conceive are affected by infertility, and in almost half of these cases male infertility is the sole or a contributing factor.1 Male infertility can have several causes. The most common is idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT),2 which is a condition in...
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