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    Stopped ai how long to feel better?

    Switched to ed injections and stopped ai as I felt I didn’t need it! Been two weeks still not feeling better but definitely not having high e2 symptoms! My appetite is slowly coming back and my severe stomach pain and dizziness from adex is disappearing! how long until I feel better,morning...
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    E2 crashed on higher dose?

    My e2 was at 72 on a sensitive test I was on 62.5 mg twice a week! So to bring it in range I switched to ed injections and raised dose to .5 mg Ed! My e2 came back at 11 so I raised the dose to 25 mg Ed and lowered ai to .25 mg Ed and my e2 is still low it’s at 11 still ! My sex drive is...
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    Feeling emotionally flat?

    Taking my e2 from 72 to 11 and switching to Ed injections has done wonders for my anxiety panic attacks, I no longer feel anxious or emotional! I still have a dead sex drive? should I keep increasing my dose to see where I feel best at(been on this protocol for almost 6 weeks) I wanna see how...
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    Starting to feel better on higher dose?

    I feel so calm and at peace when increasing my dose from 105 mg(15mg Ed) to 175 mg a week my anxiety is fading away! When my e2 was at 72(sensitive) I had panic attacks Ed! Now my e2 was at 11 and I feel less emotional I also lowered my ai dose from .5mg Ed to .25 mg Ed since I hear Ed dosing...
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    E2 in range no drive!

    The doctor put me on .5 mg of armidex Ed and my e2 went from 72 to 11 on a sensitive test! Range (8-28) my sex drive is still zero! I’m on daily prop injections of 15 mg Ed! someone recommended raising the dose to 175 mg should I?
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    Adding ai to test prop?

    I have been working with a doctor online! And he recommended I try test prop injections Ed! So I did I also kept my ai dose the same 2 mg a week(I felt fine no signs of crashed e2) he recommended I let my body restart since I’ve been throwing it off with all these protocols he said let my...
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    Thinking about taking my life because of ED!

    I am really fed up with life! I haven’t masturbated in almost 12 months! My libido is non existence my brain is foggy my dick is numb!my anxiety is that of a womanI keep reading about how some people never get there sex drive back on trt! It’s over for me! I’ve taking three doses of .5 armidex...
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    When should ai start working?

    Took two doses of .5 Adex day after t shot and not feeling much! On 62.5 e3d, I did a tren test cycle before someone told me my prolactin can still be elevated have the opportunity to get some caber should I add it?
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    Extremely high e2?

    Just got my bloodwork had Ed for months! My e2 sensitive came back at 72! What would a good ai dose be? Have Arimidex on deck! On 125 mg of test!
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    Dhea and trt?

    Added 50 mg of Dhea on Sunday! And I have been sleeping like crazy,I feel a lot more aggressive in the gym,and improved mood! But my dick still feels numb and dosent stay hard for long, my sex drive is non existent! Should I lower or up Dhea dose heard of people getting better results with 100...