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    Short Acting T Less Suppresive of FH, LSH

    Here is the abstract: A total of 8 studies reported the effect of T on FSH and LH in 793 hypogonadal men: 2 used long-acting injectables (enanthate or undecanoate) in a total of 16 men, 5 used intermediate-acting daily topical gels or patches in a total of 471 men, and 1 used short-acting...
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    Cardiovascular Disease and Reducing Saturated Fat

    Cochrane Review has published a new meta-analysis on the relation between saturated fat in the diet and cardiovascular disease. Their results showed that reducing saturated fat reduced cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, but not morality. The abstract said: "We included 15 randomised...
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    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can increase men's risk of stroke and heart attack (July 18, 2019)

    Edit: The URL lost its way. (god i wish forum software would standardize on one set of editing standards :( ) Post script: My doc's attitude seems to be that nobody needs HRT exdept in very unusual or extreme cases, I assume, because she is very reluctant to even discuss the issue. Here it...
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    What We Have Learned from Testosterone Trials

    A summary article from The Journal of Sexual Medicine: The role of testosterone (T) replacement therapy (TRT) in men is still conflicting. In particular, safety concerns and cardiovascular (CV) risk related to TRT have not been completely clarified yet. Similarly, the clear beneficial effects...
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    Testosterone and Cognitive Ability in Older Men

    Recent news articles have claimed that there is no good evidence of cognitive benefits from testosterone therapy. However, a recent meta-analysis found "strong evidence" of benefit. The study is described in a news article in Medical Express: Taking testosterone supplements can boost men's...
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    Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Therapy in Women

    From The Lancet Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology: Our meta-analysis showed that, compared with placebo or a comparator (eg, oestrogen, with or without progestogen), testosterone significantly increased sexual function, including satisfactory sexual event frequency, sexual desire pleasure...
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    Benefits of Testosterone for Post-menopausal Women

    A recent meta-analysis looked at the benefits and risks of testosterone therapy for postmenopausal women and concluded it was a safe and effective way to increase libido. The summary is available online, here is the conclusion : Testosterone is effective for postmenopausal women with low sexual...
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    Exercise and Testosterone Levels

    It seems the standard advice on the Internet for increasing your testosterone levels is to do back squats and avoid cardio. A review of the studies showed this advice is questionable for older men. The review concludes: "Data from the present investigation suggests that resistance training does...
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    Testosterone Is Effective in Treating Depression

    A meta-analysis of 27 placebo controlled trials found testosterone therapy is effective in treating depression in men. The abstract says: "Random-effects meta-analysis of 27 RCTs including 1890 men suggested that testosterone treatment is associated with a significant reduction in depressive...
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    No Evidence Testosterone Therapy Increases Thromboembolism

    Another meta-analysis looks at the existing studies and finds no evidence testosterone therapy increases thromboembolism. The abstract says: "While regulatory bodies have warned about increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), published clinical data supporting an increased risk for VTE...