lowering dose

  1. Sergel

    Sleep and Testosterone dosing

    Might be annectodal, but I track my sleep with my phone because of some sleep issues... I have very mild apnea only when sleeping on my back... so instead of a CPAP I sleep on my side... lol I still wake up 3 - 4 time a night but fall right back to sleep... Now I have been lowering my dose...
  2. T

    Help lowering test dose + going from M/W/F to EOD

    HI everyone. I have just subscribed but I have doing allot of reading on the forum for sometime already. I have also read the posts on lowering dose, but I admit I read too much, and I have a bit of paralysis over analysis! I just need an input from the most experienced here. I have read...
  3. E

    How to lower TRT weekly dosage safely?

    I'm 38 years old and been on TRT (200mg weekly) for 8+ years. I'd like to get my dosing down to around 150mg per week. My test levels have been consistently in the range of 1100-1400 and I honestly don't think it needs to be that high. For most, higher test higher than 1000 and the side effects...