Hey was wondering if anyone had experience with this. Was on TRT for 18 months, started to mess with trt and ai doses and got horrible insomnia and anxiety. Used PCT and adaptogens and it went away but after I stopped insomnia and hot flashes came back and Id wake up 2-3 times a night, or...
Hello All,
About 6 months ago I started weight training with body trainer. He said I was one of his hardest working clients but noticed I was not making muscle. He said it would be a good idea to get T tested. I read up more on low T issues and sure enough I have some symptoms: Insomnia...
Just was prescribed Cytomel by defy medical. Reverse T3 was 23 and T3 was 2.8. Took 5 mcg for the first week as prescribed, and then increased to 10 mcg. For the first week I had trouble sleeping the first two or three nights, and then settled in. At 10 mcg I haven’t been able to sleep at all...
today my total came 384 (250-1100) free 80 (35-133)
do you think I have low T?
I have imsomnia, fatigue, poor libido,poor concentration, moodiness, loosing bone density. How Do I convince my doc to to put me on TRT?