low estrogen symptoms

  1. R

    Persistent Low E2 symptoms lasting long after crash- Possible Solution or a little relief.

    Hi - Not sure if this was posted before but this has provided me at least some much needed relief from low E2 symptoms that have persisted for years after E2 crash. Brief history I have been on TRT since 2009 and never had an issue until I crashed my E2. (protocol 200mgs of test per week and...
  2. L

    High e2 but low e2 symptoms?

    Hey everyone, I've read all the other posts on this matter but I figured i'd make a new one incase I missed something. Summer of 2020 I foolishly took arimidex as it was my Dr's orders. Before adex I had all the "symptoms" of high e2 which really weren't bad at all just the typical oily skin...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Estrogen and TRT? Low estrogen or too high estrogen? Side effects from too high or too low estradiol
