
  1. S

    I'm in my early 40s and my calcium score came back 200 with most of it in the LAD. How did this happen?

    My LDL has been relatively high for years creeping from 130-160 over the past 10 years. My natural HDL is 70-80 and when on TRT it's in the 50-60 level. My LDL basically stays flat on TRT or not. My triglycerides are always always always super low at 50 level. My ApoB recently came back at...
  2. Systemlord

    Thoughts on lipid panels?
  3. M


    Anyone notice impact on fasting and post-prandial glucose levels and a1c from taking high-dose ER niacin to manage lipids? I was on 1.5g per day and increased to 2g per day and now I'm noticing glucose levels about 10 points higher. Wondering if this will subside over time. I know some are...
  4. M


    Although I am a member of Dr. Davis's Undoctored Inner Circle group, I feel the need for more extensive intervention from a live coach/practitioner. ER-niacin + other lipid-lowering supps do definitely work and perhaps the LC diet, but it's the APOB, pattern B and small LDL that continue to be...
  5. nodoctor

    High: Lipids, CO2, PH, E, creatine kinase, hct, low:Vit D and more!

    First of all--thanks for the amazing and science/data driven advice I've received from you guys! I totally agree with treating symptoms not labs, but I've got some results that I think warrant action. Latest labs attached. Any help or questions much appreciated! General background: strict...
  6. M


    I updated 2 lipid tests both drawn at same day/time: STANDARD PANEL and the ADVANCED PANEL 1 (with ref ranges) and ADVANCED PANEL 2 (historical graphs) Here’s a comparison with PREVIOUS STANDARD PANEL and PREVIOUS ADVANCED PANEL. With this comparison, you can now see how misleading standard...
  7. B

    TRT and blood panel

    Since starting TRT over 10 years ago, I have always for the most part had messed up blood panels such as HDL/LDL level.... For the past year I have been on Thyroid (Armour 2 grains per day) and my blood panels have come back all in range.... my LDL/HDL was near perfect... I started Thyroid to...
  8. M

    Anyone know of a good preventive cardiologist?

    I see that some in this group have mentioned using a preventive cardiologist (or functional med doc that specializes in lipidology/cardiology) which I need to add to my team. Location doesn't matter as long they do telemedicine. Would greatly appreciate any referrals!
  9. N

    Do all Aromatse Inhibitors affect cholesterol?

    I’ve been reading a lot about Aromatse Inhibitors since my last labs. In March my HDL was 36. September 34.... prior to March I was barely working out and had almost no routine in the gym and my diet was horrendous. Since March though I’ve been working out hard, I’ve put on 15 pounds of lean...
  10. J

    New DRUG May Lower SHBG In the Future

    For those with either NAFLD/NASH or high lipids (trigylcerides, ldl, etc), a drug called mgl-3196 by Madrigal Pharm. just concluded its phase 2 trial and patients had an average of their SHBG increasing 80% from baseline with some over 100%. Drug also statistically significantly lowered...
  11. G

    High-Dose Niacin: A Cautionary Tale

    High-dose Niacin was generally considered very beneficial before about 2010 but then fell into a bit of disfavor without much credible change in the science. I have been watching the evidence for a long time and it seems incomplete but generally positive. I have tried niacin on and off without...
  12. F

    Need answers while I have the energy to do something about it...

    I posted this in “ask the doc” but I’m posting it here too because I desperately need answers from anyone who has them. I need to figure out a plan while I actually have the energy to do something about it... I’m going to try to be a minimalist so this post doesn’t run away from me but as an...
  13. B

    Anastrozole and lipids

    I have read conflicting views on this. Some say anastrozole is really bad for lipids and others say there is nothing inherit in the drug itself but a by product of lowering estrogen to much which causes lipids to come back not good. Also most studies are referenced on women at 1mg per day. Does...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Do Walnuts Really Improve Artery Function?

    Good news for nut lovers: Eating at least one serving of walnuts per week may drop our chances of a cardiovascular-related death by 50%. However, walnut consumption may only drop our cholesterol levels about 5%. How could we get a 50% drop in cardiac mortality from just a 5% drop in cholesterol...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids in men with low T

    Effect of testosterone replacement therapy on lipids and lipoproteins in hypogonadal and elderly men. Authors Zgliczynski S, et al. Journal Atherosclerosis. 1996 Mar;121(1):35-43. Abstract We investigated the effects of long-term testosterone replacement in hypogonadal and elderly men on...