
  1. J

    Lipid profile changes (high)

    A little concerned about this, triglycerides especially stand out from the previous results.
  2. J

    Taking Testosterone with High Lipids level

    Hello Experts, I currently have very high LDL Cholestrol and Triglycerides Levels. Its genetics. Thats one of the reason i guess i have low testosterone and ED problems. So, i would like to know whether taking testosterone and HCG will cause increase in LDL and triglycerides.
  3. R

    On Accutane: Looking for a Supplement that lowers LDL and increases HDL

    I have taking fish oil. But does anybody know which supplement is helpful for good lipid panel? I tried niacin 500mg, I get hot flush/red rash with it. But I think niacin very good for Lipid panel. Currently I am on Testosterone cypionate and accunate for acne.My LDL and HDL both out of range...