lh fluctuations

  1. R


    Hi- I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism in '18 based on these labs: LH (1.5-9.3 IU/L) 2.5 Testosterone (241 - 827 ng/dL): 292 Free Testo (47-244 pg/ml): 35 % Free Testo (1.6-2.9%): 1.2% SHBG (15.0-87.0 nmol/L): 66.3 Prolactin (2.1-17.7 ng/ml): Estradiol 17-B (<=40 pg/ml): Ive never...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Seasonal Changes of LH and Testosterone in Men

    "We demonstrate a clear seasonal fluctuation of both LH and testosterone in a large sample of adult human males. As expected, testosterone appears directly related to LH, but the annual fluctuation of these two hormones is not synchronous. LH shows a bi-annual fluctuation, with two peaks reached...