Old protocol was 200 mg split into daily administrations with 250 IU HCG EOD
Bloodwork revealed elevated RBC (6.20 million/uL), normal hematocrit (43.4) and low Hemoglobin (13.0). I expected my hemoglobin to be low because I have beta thalassemia trait. Pre-TRT my hemoglobin was 10.0 and my RBC...
I've been on HCG mono for few weeks now. Dosage is 1250iu 3x week.
Just got a blood test done
Total testosterone: 24,8nmol/l (10-38)
Translated to US units it's 715.28ng/dl so pretty nice number IMO.
Estrogen: 0,16nmol/l (<0,15).
Didn't get free testosterone this time, because my shbg is...
Of those EM members that have taken nandrolone or are currently taking nandrolone alongside their TRT, we are conducting a small ExcelMale study to help determine the effect that nandrolone has on Total Testosterone, E2, Prolactin, SHBG, free T, and DHT while taking TRT...
Hey everyone. I wanted to get input on what people's experiences with nandrolone have been, whether prescribed in low doses for joint pain, cachexia or just simply wanting to put on size. I have been prescribed nandrolone for the past year for joint pain through the Baylor College of Medicine...