
  1. A

    Advice for preventing leaking with delt injections?

    I rotate Vertoglute and Delts for. my injections. VG I have no issues. I can perform theZ track method effectively sine I have 2 hands free, but for delta, I seem to always leak a bit of oil. I use 25 gauge 5/8 inch on my delts and 27 gauge 1 inch on my ventroglutes. any suggestions? My...
  2. 5

    Just leaked a bunch of TC down my arm...

    Hey all - been on TRT for 10 months, injecting TC twice a week. Just injected 70mg in my delt and 30 seconds later looked down and saw a 4-5" trail of TC down my arm. This might sound ridiculous but when I saw it I tried to rub it into my balls in the hopes of getting some absorbtion - may be...
  3. keithc2485

    Medicaid /MultiDose Vial of Test. Cyp?? / Wasting Medication !

    Hey guys, Really need some help, I have been on TRT for 2.5 years .... currently 50mg 2x a week for over a year now out of a Single dose 1ml/200mg vial Since sticking the rubber top 4x , by the 2nd or 3rd stick its dripping out alot I am losing so much medicine (almost 1/2 of the vial) my...
  4. P

    Testosterone leaking from injection site

    Hi, I just started T injections last night. I used Nelson's HCG/T protocol without the HCG: 50 mg at 90 degrees in the shoulder with an insulin syringe. The only difference is that although I asked for and my doctor prescribed 27 gauge, 1/2-inch syringes, the pharmacy gave me 26 gauge, 3/8-inch...