lab report testosterone

  1. WestB87

    34yo father of 4 sons. Lab work results! Low T, High DHEA and IGF-1.

    Hey Guys, I’ve been lurking here for a few months now while I researched my potential issues that have been increasing in frequency and magnitude. I’m a 34 year old father of 4 in what could be considered good physical shape, though that hasn’t been the case for many years. I’m 5’6” and 170lbs...
  2. J

    Coming off of TRT for Labs

    So, I want to change TRT providers, and my (potential) new doctor (a urologist) wants me to totally stop my protocol for two weeks before we do new lab work. Here's my current protocol: 40mg (0.2cc) of Testosterone Cypionate administered shallow IM on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A total of...
  3. D

    Could my total T drop 795 points in 5 days?

    Aug 4: total 1343 (264-916) free 22.3 (7.2-24.0) E2 46.4 (7.6-42.6) Aug 9: total 548 free 9.0 E2 <5 Same lab co. but different lab location, same time of day. Both fasting. I can give all kinds of details once I find out if these results are humanly possible. For now I'll...
  4. D

    Testosterone Compound Cream Absorption / Labs / Ect

    Morning Gents, So I have been running Empower RX Compound cream for I guess a little over a year now Id say. Mine is 200mg/ml and I just do one click. From my understanding absorption was only around 10%, but pharmacist today said you absorb most of it? Thoughts? All the time I thought I'd be...
  5. M

    Advice on Lab Results

    I have been a reader of this forum for some months now and recently got back my labs after being on trt for 3 months the results are as follows and done by Quest Labs and drawn at 8:30 am the day of an injection but before injecting; Estradiol Ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS range < 29 pg/mL Actual...
  6. S

    Test report advice

    FSH 1.6 0.95-11.95 Lh 2.15 1.14-8.75 Prolactin 14.56 3.46-19.40 Estradiol 33.79 7.6-43 Tsh 3.10 0.35-4.94 Testosterone 252.94 300-1100 Free testosterone 5.51 5.85-18.33 Albumin 5.51 Vitamin D 10 30-70 Male age 30. Diagnosed with bipolar. Symptoms-...