kisspeptin; hsdd; sexual desire; arousal; erection

  1. madman

    What Is The Role Of Kisspeptin In Sexual Behavior? | The Love Neuropeptide

    Enjoyed this one. Pay close attention! (36:00-39:45) Thank you for tuning in to our video discussing the love neuropeptide and what is the role of kisspeptin in sexual behavior. In this video, we delve into the question of what is the role of kisspeptin in sexual behavior. Join us as we...
  2. madman

    Kisspeptin's Promising Role In Treating HSDD
  3. madman

    Exploring Kisspeptin as a Treatment for HSSD
  4. madman

    Kisspeptin Restores Sexual and Attraction Brain Processing in Women with HSSD

    Kisspeptin Restores Sexual and Attraction Brain Processing in Women with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (2022) Layla Thurston, MRCP, Tia Hunjan, MD, Natalie Ertl, MSc, Matt Wall, Ph.D., Edouard Mills, MRCP, Sofiya Suladze, BSc, Emma Alexander, MBBS, Beatrice Muzi, MSc, Bijal Patel, MRCP, Paul...
  5. madman

    Kisspeptin Increases Penile Tumescence and Sexual Brain Processing in Men with HSSD

    Kisspeptin Increases Penile Tumescence and Sexual Brain Processing in Men with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (2022) Ali Abbara, Paul Bech, Alexander N Comninos, Waljit S Dhillo, Natalie Ertl, Dena Ettehad, David Goldmeier, Jonathan Howard, Tia Hunjan, Beatrice Muzi, Bijal Patel, Maria...