
  1. phalloguy100

    Why is it a bad idea to take clomid/gonadorelin while on TRT?

    I have read in this and other forums that taking clomid, gonadorelin, or kisspeptin while on TRT is a waste - that those things are used more for PCT, to regain testicular function. But why is it wasteful, or even contraindicated, to use those medications while on TRT? How does one harm the...
  2. Seagal

    The role of testosterone, the androgen receptor, and hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis in depression in ageing Men

    The role of testosterone, the androgen receptor, and hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis in depression in ageing Men Best review on this topic I have seen so far. Might be also very interesting for non-depressed ageing and young men. "In...
  3. FunkOdyssey

    Kisspeptin Dosage

    Kisspeptin is looking increasingly promising for improving libido and sexual function. Check out this new study: Can anyone (@readalot ?) help me figure out what 1 nmol/kg of kisspeptin translates to in micrograms? That is the dose per...
  4. M

    PEPTIDE RESULTS IN: IGF-1, testosterone, etc.

    Big n-1 results update. With all the gym bros telling me for the last 10 years that GH secretatgogue peptides are a scam and a waste of $$$$ - and that good ol' GH is superior and the only way to go - - - Let me preface this post by saying that these peptides do work. I repeat. THESE PEPTIDES...
  5. A

    Kisspeptin-10 suppression

    I have a simple question about kisspeptin-10 for you. Does kisspeptin-10 administration cause suppression or shutdown of our kisspeptin endogenous production? If so I wonder, When endogenous kisspeptin is suppressed or shut down during the half-life of kisspeptin-10, can occur neuronal atrophy...
  6. K

    Anyone succeeding in increasing T with Kisspeptin while on TRT

    I was speaking to a doc the other day who is in to Hormones and peptides , he said he had a lot of patients who increased their T a lot on Kisspeptin, they however were not on TRT. I wondered if anyone one here was using it with success while on TRT. The reason I am interested in this is that...
  7. K

    Anyone Using Kisspeptin-10?

    Hello all, HCG is getting harder to get. Or also 3x more expensive if you can get the generic brand. A new clinic in town offers Kisspeptin-10. Is this a good alternative? Has anyone here used it before and care to share your results? Greatly appreciate it.
  8. C

    Kisspeptin suppression under TRT: Can it affect mood and libido?

    TD;LR: Kisspeptin may affect how we act and feel. It seems plausible that a TRT-induced reduction in this hormone is a problem for some men. I’d previously asked if suppression of GnRH by TRT is a problem. The literature at least hints that it is possible. The situation with kisspeptin may be...
  9. M

    Gonadorelin alternative to hCG - Kisspeptin a peptide that is not approved for compounding

    After doing some digging since a clinic i know is no longer using hCG, a called a few pharmacies and found out they are going to be offering Gonadorelin and NOT Kisspeptin. Kisspeptin is a peptide and it is NOT approved to be compounded and states like California will not approve it, while...