keto diet

  1. T

    Digestive Issues on Ketogenic Diet

    Folks, This is actually the first thread I have started on here, despite years of participation in other threads. Started eating Keto / LCHF about 3-4 months ago, keeping average carb intake to around 50 ish grams a day. Understood from research going into it that some digestive issues may...
  2. Vince

    AUTOPHAGY helps defeat BRAIN disease, says Dr Nadir Ali, M.D.

    At about the 9 minute mark Dr Ali starts talking about how autophagy helps defeat Alzheimer, Parkinson, and other brain diseases. From what I've gleaned.... his #1 remedy for brain disorders is autophagy and EAT FATS (keto).
  3. P

    SHBG Changes after Keto

    Started the Keto Diet October LY. A1c 6.0, fasted Glucose 128, BP 140/85. 20 lbs over weight. Doc was alarmed with my steady increase in certain blood markers and possible insulin resistance and encouraged me to act. Fast forward I guess the results are what you would typically expect to...
  4. Vince

    Keto diet could be the secret to living longer, according to new research

    Scientists may have discovered the “keto” longevity. Researchers at Stanford University have found that the ketogenic, or keto, diet makes muscle stem cells better able to handle stress. Similar effects have been found with a fasting diet. The findings were published in the journal Cell...
  5. Milestones

    Weight Loss During a Very Low Carbohydrate Diet: Effect of Visceral and Subcutaneous Fat

    Effects of weight loss during a very low carbohydrate diet on specific adipose tissue depots and insulin sensitivity in older adults with obesity: a randomized clinical trial Nutr Metab (Lond). 2020 Aug 12;17:64. Abstract Background: Insulin resistance and accumulation of visceral adipose...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Low carb and keto on a budget

    Seems like a good site. A friend recommended it
  7. E

    Keto and Thyroid

    Is anyone on keto on here ? I started earlier this year and amazingly dropped 30 lbs in 5-6 months with a 4 inch waist reduction on a strict keto diet. Amazing because I've been trying for a decade and never got close to losing it. One of the effects is that your free T3 is down regulated. Keto...
  8. Vince

    20 Reasons Eggs Could Be Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon

    20 Reasons Eggs Could Be Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon Egg Yolks Contain a Nutrient Essential to Metabolism. Choline, only found in the yolk of eggs (so … Vitamin D in the Yolk Can Be a Belly Fat Buster. “Egg yolks are also a...
  9. Vince

    Emerging Science of Carbohydrate Restriction and Nutritional Ketosis: Introductory Remarks

    An impressive body of scientific evidence over the last 15 years documents long term benefits of carbohydrate-restricted, especially ketogenic, diets. We now understand molecular mechanisms and why they work. Popular books and articles now challenge the advice ‘carbohydrates are good and fats...
  10. Vince

    Dr. Tim Noakes - Sports Applications of Ketosis and Beyond

    An impressive body of scientific evidence over the last 15 years documents long term benefits of carbohydrate-restricted, especially ketogenic, diets. We now understand molecular mechanisms and why they work. Popular books and articles now challenge the advice ‘carbohydrates are good and fats...
  11. Vince

    Halle Berry Says the Keto Diet Has Helped 'Reverse' Her Type 2 Diabetes

    During the 2000s, there was ample confusion and controversy around Berry's diabetes diagnosis. Initially, the actress was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, but in 2007, she reportedly said she had weaned herself off insulin by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and was now in the type 2 category. Her...