iron deficiency without anemia

  1. S

    Iron supplement dosage?

    Theres some conflicting info on this forum regarding daily iron supplements to combat low ferritin on TRT. There was an excellent and detailed post on raising ferritin fast, but thats not my intent at the moment. i decided on “Ferrochel Iron Chelate - 27mg Iron Bisglycinate Supplement” i found...
  2. Systemlord

    Does iron deficiency affect glucose homeostasis?

    I'm trying to find accurate studies on whether or not iron deficiency affects glucose management in people with diabetes. I notice last September-October it felt like I lost the benefits of TRT and yesterday found my ferritin sitting at 24 which was a surprise to me. My glucose and A1C became...
  3. S

    A Question About Low Ferritin.

    I have had some strange symptoms lately. Feeling very tired along with body aches and general itchiness all over. At first I thought dry skin but its really beyond that. Had a blood test on Friday and my ferritin came back low at 12. I was surprised because I haven't had to donate blood in about...
  4. madman

    Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected

    Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected (2019) Esa Soppi* Department of internal medicine, Eira Hospital, Laivurinkatu 29, FI-00150 Helsinki, Finland Abstract A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most sensitive and specific test for the identification of...