indian medications

  1. G

    INDIA PHARMA HCG ~1/10 under dosed.

    eh guys, found a current list of a seller who is selling india pharma HCG.. I know we had discussed previously but here is larger list as i know alot of you guys refuse to belive this. ESP when the forum owner is getting payed by haucking underdosed HCG. hopefully this is enough HARD evidence...
  2. M

    Indian HCG - Urinary or rHCG

    I'm not on HCG but do think about it. Given the experimental "vaccines" that many people have taken in the last couple of years, I would prefer to not take a risk that some spike residue is in their urine. rHCG seems like it would be safer in that regard. For those getting HCG from India or...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Geographic concentration of pharmaceutical manufacturing: The US relies heavily on India

    The USP Medicine Supply Map analysis (Chart I) counts the number of active API DMFs by location. India accounts for 48% China accounts for 13% U.S. accounts for 10% India contributed 62% of active API DMFs filed in 2021, up from 20% filed in 2000. This increase is consistent with the...