
  1. L

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    The other day I came across a YouTube video of this guy who, as an experiment, ran primobolan with no test and he was running .15mg of estradiol valerate EOD to make sure he was getting enough estrogen. I am trying to find it again, but have not been able to. Does anybody know what I am talking...
  2. L

    Do I qualify for HRT? Posting my Blood Test Results.

    Do I qualify for HRT? Posting my Blood Test Results. 53 Year old male. Symptoms: No sex drive, loss of self, loss of the tenacity I used to have, apathetic, affecting marrage. Surgery for bi-lateral torsion testicles when I was 16. Got tested in late 20's - sperm count was OK. My...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Hormonal Fluctuations in Women's Lives

    Hormonal fluctuation during (A) a normal menstrual cycle, (B) while taking an oral contraceptive (OC) containing both estrogen and progesterone, and (C) in the years before and after menopause. Ref: - Chidi-Ogbolu, Nkechinyere AU - Baar, Keith PY - 2019/01/15 T1 - Effect of Estrogen on...
  4. Pnw0031

    Pregnenolone: oral v. Cream v. Hcg injections

    I want to love pregnenolone but it makes me feel just… weird. Like I’m tweaking almost, get super stiff and get oddly socially awkward also anxious. Anyone know why this is? I’m assuming it’s due to a choline reaction as I seem to be sensitive to other pro-cholinergic supplements. Estrogen was...
  5. B

    Optimum Testosterone Levels...... The truth...

    I was diagnosed with low T at 168.2 TT and 2.9 FT. I've been on my TRT journey for 3 months. I feel great at 262 TT and 10.3 FT. But due to ongoing side effects I will be stopping my current protocol in the effort of trying to maximize my natural levels after making a handful of changes with...
  6. Z

    FSH level on transdermal estrogen

    HRT regime Transdermal estrogen, Oestrogel, 2 pumps each morning, a total of 1500 micrograms Half the month also take Utrogestan (progesterone) 2 per night, a total of 200mg 50-year-old female, a few months on HRT, still having periods. Test Results Test was in the morning, during the...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Hormone Replacement Therapy Will Be Available Over-The-Counter In The UK In September—We Wish The U.S. Would Follow Suit

    Gina 10 microgram vaginal tablets (containing estradiol) will be available from pharmacies without a prescription.
  8. Fernando Almaguer

    Testosterone increases soft plaque buildup?

    I was watching a video by Dr. Brad Stanfield on Youtube and he mentioned the benefits over risk for someone who truly is testosterone deficient. Saying that these individuals do need HRT but the majority of men do not. Ok, then he said that studies show soft plaque increases that cannot be...
  9. F

    Considering TRT for Accutane related hormonal changes

    Hi guys, I’m Frank from western Europe and I’m new on this forum. I hope you can share your ideas/experiences about HRT after Accutane. My story: I took Accutane in 1999 (40mg a day / 5 months). The drug greatly reduced my libido and gave me some mental issues like lower mood, anxiety and...
  10. bochinit

    Nandrolone Therapy as HRT

    Hello, what's the concensus about Nandrolone monoterapy used as HRT instead of Testosterone? I now there are indicated and used for HIV patients or people who need to avoid Testosterone side effects. Does men here do it?
  11. H

    Time to give back. Please read!

    Most users here have a history of struggle that to a smaller or larger extent was helped by initiating hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Yup Thousands of users use this platform daily to ask questions and learn more about HRT. There are hundreds of successful stories here where people’s quality...
  12. M


    Stats: height: 170cm age: 62 weight: 88kg Main observations: body recomp has been a struggle since my mid 30s. weight/fat gain ramped up about 2 years ago energy/calorie intake has not changed training consistent 5 days/weeks resistance + cardio, but somewhat harder to work around increasing...
  13. W

    Nandrolone and HRT Article

    Yeah I know it is in a meathead magazine but it was put together by some educated meatheads and really gets at what we've been trying to figure out relative to nandrolone and HRT. It also contains that 4 letter word we don't use on this site either. The use of ARBs or ACEi is one worth noting...
  14. B

    Question about cancer and hrt

    My uncle has stage 4 liver cancer and the oncologist said he has approximately one year. Nobody really knows why you get cancer, some say it's because of environmental factor, others say because our dna starts to decay. I believe it's a bit of everything that is toxic to our bodies. I want to...
  15. B

    BPH and HRT

    My father has BPH and has finally listened to me to get a proper diagnosis to see if he has thyroid and low t levels. I know he has both just from all the symptoms he tells me he has. I know it's hard to tell exactly by just symptoms since they can be interchanged with one another. My question...
  16. E

    Nervous. Younger. Just Want Answers.

    I'm 32, too young I know, and for about 5 years now I've had consistent and concerning signs of low-T. I am extremely active and have a healthy diverse diet. I lift weights 5-6 days a week and do cardiovascular exercise 7 days a week. I sleep an average of 7-8hrs a night. Alcohol consumption is...
  17. S

    HRT and Atherosclerosis Good Read.
  18. P

    Male over 45 looking for best long term TRT compound

    Hi. Im new to this forum. Found it on YouTube thanks to Rand McClain. Im a 46 year old male. Ive been on and off steroids since my 20's. For the last year Ive been going to a medical rejuvenation clinic. They've prescribed me 1CC of Testosterone per week and 2 Arimidex tablets per week. Im 5'11"...
  19. G

    Pregnenolone, missing piece?

    Just wondering if pregnenolone has been the missing puzzle piece in anyone’s protocol, and if things finally clicked when they added it. Thanks.
  20. D

    Having problems with HRT

    I have been on HRT for at least 18 years and have never got it right. Recently joined Defy hoping to get things straightened out. I'm a low SHBG guy and currently use 1 click of the 200ml cream in the AM and .10 subQ cyp daily. I also use 500 IU's of HCG twice weekly. It just doesn't seem to...
  21. S

    Does anyone know any women on HRT through Defy Medical ?

    I know that this could probably go in the Women HRT subforum, but that barely gets any traffic so I hope that this is okay. Do any of you guys have wives or girlfriends that go through Defy for HRT? If so, what are there experiences with Defy? I'm just hoping that they'll have the same...
  22. Nelson Vergel

    The Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy Through Menopause and Beyond

    From Dr. Peter Attia's podcast: Avrum Bluming, M.D. and Carol Tavris, Ph.D.: Controversial topic affecting all women—the role of hormone replacement therapy through menopause and beyond—the compelling case for long-term HRT and dispelling the myth that it causes breast cancer...
  23. K

    Getting Testosterone in 5ml or higher bottles

    I live in Massachusetts and the law here I am told is that they can't give you anything larger than a 2ml bottle and a 30 day supply. I draw in .3ml twice a week because I use a large needle and believe there is about 20% of the dose left in the needle and syringe. I am shooting for .25ml (50mg)...
  24. bbex2014

    HRT docs under attack

  25. Nelson Vergel

    Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT for Women Guide

    For registered members only. Download the HRT Guide below. If you are not registered, go here: Register
  26. D

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Hey everyone. I wanted to get input on what people's experiences with nandrolone have been, whether prescribed in low doses for joint pain, cachexia or just simply wanting to put on size. I have been prescribed nandrolone for the past year for joint pain through the Baylor College of Medicine...
  27. Crom_is_good

    Dosing question

    Hello everyone! As some of you know I started my 160mg of cypionate once a week on Oct 3. I was very receptive to the treatment. Morning erections came back the second week and mood really improved. No more hitting the snooze button in the morning and so on...
  28. S

    HRT Over 60

    My lovely wife is 61 and obviously Post menopausal. She is experiencing muscle and joint aches all over and it is very painful to her. She is cold much of the time. Recently she had a Nuclear Bone Scan to rule out Osteopenia and or Osteoarthritis. Test came back negative. Blood work by her...
  29. bbex2014

    Clinical Utility of Treating Patients with Compounded “Bioidentical” Hormone Therapy (BHT).

    I suggest everyone who relies on compounded meds for hrt protocols take a look
  30. D

    Can You Restart Solely & only with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)?

    Hi there guys been on TRT for 1 year now exactly & member here a while 2months on Testosterone cream twice daily morning & night, and 10 months of that on Sustanon Injections I am drained quite financially monthly for TRT and i decided to give a full 8 weeks 2 months restart a shot, just simple...
  31. P

    Doctor Finder

    Hey Nelson, when will the doctor finder be up and running. It will be an important tool for all patients on HRT. Also, I'm hoping that this will include doctors from other countries like New Zealand and Australia. A lot of guys on this forum are not US bound and we all hope to find informed...