hpa axis

  1. E

    ADXS Guide on NTs/Hormones Effects

    I just found this today, thought I would share it https://www.adxs.org/en/page/104/neurological-aspects Gets quite deep into the weeds but its very cool. It mentions ADHD but the material also talks about stress/depression/anxiety as well. Has a section for every commonly known NT and...
  2. Abonicex

    is there a nandrolone fact sheet somewhere? is it true it turns you off for 18 months after taking it?

    i've been reading very good experiences with nandrolone. but i would like more info on the implications of taking it and its functions and nature. i rad somewhere that it truns you off like test but for 18 months. is this true? where can i read more about it? is there a way to overcome that...
  3. E

    Caffeine Induced Emotion Blunting- Pregnenolone Crash

    Hello, Used to post on PeakT's forum years ago like back in 2015-2017. Since then I have pretty much been well and dialied in on a TRT protocol (I do 0.3 mL 2x a week). I don't take an AI, and things like high E2 or low SHBG (this declined from 25 over the years) have not really affected me. At...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Types of Hormone Axes and Their Functions
