hot flash

  1. S

    Hot flashes are unlikely to be a symptom of increasing or increased E2, and more likely to be a symptom of decreases in E2 levels or low E2.

    After reading up a ton of literature on Estrogen effects on males, there's really a whole bunch of realisations about how extremely useful it is in male function and consequently how misunderstood and mishandled it is by men or TRT clinics. I'm glad Nelson seems to have a much better...
  2. M

    New to the site. Current symptoms and findings. What should I expect?

    Realized this post was a bit long. I've summarized up top. Details further down. QUICK VERSION: Been feeling like crap for 3 months. Have had numerous expensive doc / specialist appointments, imaging scans, blood tests, and more tests, tests, testsssss etc with normal results. I saw doc on...
  3. B

    Red/hot face and small pimples starting on cheeks

    Been on TRT for 8 weeks. Labs initially showed 200T and 15 estradiol. Injecting 160 Mg of test cyp in 2 weekly injections, 500iu of HCG twice a week and 1mg of arimidex. Labs just came back at 1100T and 22 estradiol. Hematocrit is at 47. About a day after I inject, my face gets red, hot and I...
  4. I

    Male hot flashes causes ED

    Hello I’m new here and looking for some good information and help. I posted this on th wrong spot earlier. I’m a WM 42 5’9” 260 ( losing weight now goal is 200) non smoker or drug user I have one or two mixed drinks a month before bed. I work outside 9-10 months a year in Landscaping and...