hot body temperature

  1. T

    Too hot to sleep on workout days on Sustanon

    A couple of months ago I made the switch from cypionate to sustanon, doing 10mg a day. I have also started going to the gym again. I'm finding that on workout days I overheat in the evening and struggle to fall asleep. I don't have this problem as badly when I go for a run. I haven't done an...
  2. G

    Heat issues

    I’ve been on a stable TRT protocol for a few years. Recently, I’m experiencing: -Red face (doesn’t feel flushed or hot, people just say it’s red) - Wake up in AM with sweat around my neck but am not hot - Generally insensitive to heat - lots of sweat and run A/C constantly to my wife’s...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Low Estradiol Increases Hot Flashes and Sweating in Men with Low Testosterone

    Note: VMS are episodes of profuse heat accompanied by sweating and flushing, experienced predominantly around the head, neck, chest, and upper back. Effects of Testosterone and Estradiol Deficiency on Vasomotor Symptoms in Hypogonadal Men. Randomized controlled trial Taylor AP, et al. J Clin...