
  1. R

    Do Labs Taken During Honeymoon Periods Tell You Your Sweet Spot For Levels or Anything Useful?

    I don't have labs from when I was 25 or 30 or even 39 when things were awesome. Wish I did since perhaps it would help me know what to target now. Has anyone done labs during honeymoon periods when everything is great? Do honeymoon lab numbers tell you anything special or give you a glimse of...
  2. L

    honeymoon phase? Is the forum overly negative? is anyone on here happy with TRT?

    I posted a few months ago. Little background on me. I tested 351ish for total T several months ago with an E2 level of around 7. Free T was also pretty low at 41. I felt pretty shitty at that time. Mostly fatigue and lack of motivation. I worked for the next 2 months to naturally raise the T...
  3. M

    4 weeks into TRT, feeling worse/mood crashes.

    Hey folks, I’ve been on 100mg Test-C 1x/wk for 4 weeks now. For the first 2-3 weeks I was feeling great overall, sense of wellbeing was way up, energetic, more motivated in the gym... just really doing well. The last couple of days have been... not that. I take my Test-C Thursday evening or...
  4. Robotics

    10 days in - Libido and Erections kicking in - Honeymoon?

    My biggest concern is maintaining Libido. I have been on TRT in the past. I was off for several months. I was also low shbg, so TRT did not feel so effective for me at the time (libido was the biggest problem). My shbg is now closer to normal, closer to mid 20's and injecting 10mg a day, no ai...