hiv anabolic steroids

  1. H

    HIV+ into bodybuilding and trying to put on muscle mass.

    Hi community. Im glad that i found this forum and this is my first post here. Hope u guys can give me some advices. Im 36yrs old (Height=5'6.9 , Weight=176.37lbs).), HIV+ for 8 years now, doing well with the medication and undetectable since then. Im very much interested into bodybuilding, but...
  2. M

    Nandrolone and anabolic steroids effect on thyroid

    Hey guys, I’m read many studies that show anabolic steroids such as Nandrolone cause hypothyroidism. In the case of muscle wasting, would thyroid hormone be used with anabolic steroid therapy? Any information on this subject would be much appreciated! [Abuse of anabolic steroids and its...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Use of Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids in Patients Who Have HIV

    Introductory Article: Anabolic Steroids: A Practical Guide Use of Androgens in Patients Who Have HIV/AIDS: What We Know About the Effect of Androgens on Wasting and Lipodystrophy Permission by author: Donald Abrams, MD AIDS Read. 2001 Mar;11(3):149-56. Abstract Decreases in energy, sense...