high hgb

  1. andrewBwinter

    Sleep Apnea and HCT/HGB

    My wife complains that when j start anything new, I go 110% in on all aspects Make no mistake, now that I am using CPAP, she may be right. After one week of use, my HGB went down 4 points to 176. More blood panels are coming, but issues with HCT and HGB on TRT, may require a wholistic approach...
  2. G

    Solution to infamous high HCT low ferritin dilemma

    Here’s an interview with Dr. Morley Robbins that addresses the infamous high HCT low ferritin dilemma that many men face on HRT. Looks like we finally have an answer in regards to how to handle it. Spoiler alert, it’s to donate blood, as needed, to keep serum iron, HGB and HCT levels within a...