high hemoglobin

  1. B

    My E2 is sky High pls HELP .

    Hello, I'm on TRT 90mg (3x30mg) a week HCG 125/250iu 3x a week but my estradiol is extremely high ... my total testosterone was higher than the reference value even when I didn't take anything but now it's 2 times .. and even then I don't feel that much well, everyone is happy to help, thank...
  2. G

    High HGB/HCT

    Hey guys, I just got a CBC done yesterday and my hemoglobin is 18.8 and hematocrit is 53.2. I can't believe this as I've lowered my dose to 6-7mg daily about 4 weeks ago from running 9-10mg daily for a couple months. When I lowered the dose, my hct was 50.8 and hgb was 17.8. I also saw on...
  3. S

    Can't take exogenous testosterone, Clomid isn't helping

    Hello all, I am at my wit's end and need some direction. I was taken off of shots/gel because hemoglobin went too high. Saw an endocrinologist and he put me on 50mg of Clomid 3 times per week. After follow-up labs, I was placed on 100mg of Clomid 3 times per week. The follow up lab after...
  4. 53lowt

    New Bloodwork Hematocrit Concern? Old Doc says no New Doc says TOOO HIGH

    Here are my most recent CBC results: White Blood Cells 8.4 X10E9/L 4.8 - 10.8 X10E9/L RBC count 6.11 X10E12/L 4.25 - 5.65 X10E12/L Hemoglobin 18.1 g/dL 13.1 - 17.3 g/dL Hematocrit 54.1 % 39 - 49 % MCV 89 fL 81 - 101 fL MCH 29.6 pg 27 - 35 pg MCHC 33.4 g/dL 32 - 36 g/dL RDW 14.0...