high fat low carb diet

  1. Gianluca

    Best Paleo book btw Loren Cordain and Robb Walf, any suggestions?

    I recently read "the protein debate" between T. Colin Cambpell and Loren Cordain, I was amazed by the data supported by Loren Cordain, he became one of my heroes. If you wish to read it I'm attaching the link at the end, he really provides some good data on the health benefits of High...
  2. Vince

    What We Should Be Eating

    Welcome to the Human Performance Outliers Podcast with hosts Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter. For this episode, Dr. Nadir Ali joined the show. Nadir is a cardiologist who advocates a high fat low carb diet, a cyclist, and hosts the youtube channel Nadir Mir Ali. Just watch the 5-minute segment...