hematocrit trt

  1. J

    I am a bit worried about my blood test...

    Dear Excelmale friends, I went to an urologist about three months ago because the results of my testosterone levels were low. My global testosterone was 2.54 (or 254 if we use another measure) and my free testosterone was 14.8. the doctor prescribed me a testosterone gel. I have been using it...
  2. D

    Hematocrit still high even after Blood donation!

    Hey guys, When I first started TRT one year ago with Royal mens medical., they said that if your RBC count/hematocrit go too high, you must do a blood donation to correct it. My blood donation was on July 19th, 2022. Below are the results of my first blood test AFTER this donation. As...
  3. nodoctor

    High: Lipids, CO2, PH, E, creatine kinase, hct, low:Vit D and more!

    First of all--thanks for the amazing and science/data driven advice I've received from you guys! I totally agree with treating symptoms not labs, but I've got some results that I think warrant action. Latest labs attached. Any help or questions much appreciated! General background: strict...
  4. C

    Anyone ever tried nattokinase to lower hematocrit?

    I'm only one person testing this, but I have been using nattokinase and nothing else daily for about 12 weeks, and it seems to bring down the hematocrit to within (barely) acceptable levels at 2000 FUA (one tablet) per day. I can't say I am taking it at exactly the same time of say, mostly...
  5. A

    switched over to EOD injections and Hematocrit went up?

    I was previously taking 50 mg test cyp Every 3.5 and here was my last bloodwork Total T: 1316 ng/dl (264-916) Free T: 28.3 ng/dl (9.3-26.5) Estradiol (sensitive): 40.1 pg/ml (8.0-35.0) SHBG: 45.2 nmol/l (16.5-55.9) HCT: 45% Hemoglobin 15.8 g/dL I recently switched to 25 mg EOD and feel...
  6. Nelson Vergel

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