help needed

  1. M

    Desperately need help

    I decided to come off testosterone after 7 years because I was always struggling with high estrogen. Defy Medical gave me enclomiphene to restart HPTA. I took enclo for almost two weeks and had had severely high estrogen. It's been 19 days and I'm suffering really bad. I can't sleep more than 3...
  2. L

    Need assistance in understanding blood test results - Ranges not defined?

    Hello, My first posting. 51 year old male 5'8" - 235lbs Powerlifter build, muscular but 27-30% body fat Testosterone - Serum (Final) - Testosterone Result: 7.9 Reference Range: 5.2 - 23.7 The lab did not define what these reference ranges measurements are? Please help. Can...
  3. M

    Consultation or Advice for supervision

    Male 22 years old. I have been treated with TRT for a little over a year now after being diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism and pituitary failure. I regularly get blood work done through my general practitioner but the clinic that provides the treatment has not asked nor seen those results in...
  4. B

    Crashed e2 help

    Hi all, looking for some help. Took 125mg of test e over 1 week and my face felt like it was going to explode. Had some bad advice to take 1/4 of arimidex and felt like death the next day. I didn't take any more test e. That was 3 weeks ago and I still feel like death. How long will it take...
  5. R

    Considering TRT--Lab Results, Questions

    I'm in my late 30s and have been having all the symptoms of low T for at least 5-6 years, but never thought that could "be it" given my age. I've had some sexual issues recently and decided to test the hormones. An at home lancet blood test (tested by a lab, not a card test) gave a 283 ng/dl...
  6. V

    Everything is a disaster

    It started with low T symptoms, so I went to a researcher/professor endocrinologist at a university hospital. Said my symptoms would likely go away. They didn’t. Started having BPH symptoms and thought that lack of orgasms could be enlarged prostate so I mistakenly took saw palmetto that...
  7. M

    Need Help with what to do.

    Hello, I'm a 27 year old male, over the past two years i have been feeling terrible. I have no motivation, no drive, no desire to have sex. I have no energy, living on caffeine. Cant perform at my Job how I need to. Basically I have all the symptoms of low T including hair loss. massive weight...
  8. J

    Help with new EOD protocol

    Hi guys, new here from the UK after a long time lurker, I have been on TRT for around 13 months now and was on 37.5mg Test E every 3.5 days, after a lot of ups and downs I decided about a week and half ago to switch to EOD as I am low SHBG of 13nmol/L. I have noticed a massive difference in sex...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Looking for a paid part-time admin for

    I have been really busy with my business and have noticed that a lot of the threads are losing the degree of knowledge we used to have since I have not been able to stay on top of discussions like I used to. Also, people are posting daily in the wrong forum sections and asking the same questions...