heart palpitations

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  1. M

    Symptoms and Low Testosterone

    Hello, has anyone here experienced heart palpitations, fatigue, low energy, muscle pain, or depression because of hormone imbalance?
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Heart Palpitations and AFIB in Older Men on Testosterone

    Heart palpitations and AFIB (Atrial Fibrillation) risk in older men using testosterone is examined in the content. Highlights [⚠️] Testosterone use in older men and its link to heart palpitations and AFIB. [] Research findings suggesting a potential association between testosterone therapy...
  3. K

    HCG mono, ok T level but feel terrible?

    I've been on HCG mono for few weeks now. Dosage is 1250iu 3x week. Just got a blood test done Total testosterone: 24,8nmol/l (10-38) Translated to US units it's 715.28ng/dl so pretty nice number IMO. Estrogen: 0,16nmol/l (<0,15). Didn't get free testosterone this time, because my shbg is...
  4. P

    hcg made hemoglobin go high

    I have been on trt for many yrs ..Recently I did the scrotal cream at 50mg a day ...Well I needed hcg bad as testicles were pulsating ..In any event I took a few HCG shots that week ..Had horrible heart palpitations ...I am a bio chemist btw which means nothing in the trt world lol ,,but I know...
  5. bochinit

    TRT and Heart Palpitation

    Hi, I am currently using 100mg testosterone enantate per week, split into two dosages of 50mg every 4 days. I was trying to sleep now and started to have palpitations and last night was the same. Someone could help me to understand what is happening? (I am sufering this only when trying to...
  6. J

    Side effects awful TRT

    I’m seeing all the positives from people with TRT which is great. However I’m 5 weeks in on 125 total, injecting twice a week with HCG and an AI and feel terrible. I feel so out of whack and have bad headaches, horrible anxiety and palpitations. I redid my labs this week early as they think it...
  7. F

    Shortness of breath, chest tightness and odd heart beat

    Hi there, I am 29 years old and I've been on TRT since July 2019, taking the following protocol: 100mg Test Cyp SubQ per week (since Aug, I have split this into two 50mg injections per week) 1000iu HCG SubQ per week (however, I have been on HCG for about a month, as I was traveling and lost...
  8. S

    Heart Palpitations - Testosterone Injection Day

    Anyone else get these damn things? It seems every injection day (later that day) I get an odd heartbeat and palpatations/anxiety. (50mg test cyp twice a week) Ive been to a cardiologist and had ekg and echocardiagrams done and all look fine. I take a small dose of a blood pressure med to keep...
  9. B

    Heart palpitations and high BP

    So as some of you know I stopped TRT and one of the main reasons was I started having very heavy heart palpitations. And my BP became elevated. My last labs showed my HCT at 46-48...so below high range which was 52 I believe from Lab Corp. My buddy who started TRT about 6 months prior to me...
  10. S

    Heart Palpitations on TRT? The cause?

    First I will say that yes, I have spent most of the evening searching all the threads and reading but as some know, sometimes you just gotta hear it 'first hand'. Starting today I started having a number of heart flutters with the slight accompanying lightheadeness. Both are random and short...
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