heart attacks

  1. S

    Anti-inflammatory 20mg/day Rosuvastatin reduced C-reactive protein, heart attacks, strokes in people with normal LDL but elevated C-reactive protein

    A randomized placebo-controlled trial of the anti-inflammatory effect (reduction of C-reactive protein) of 20mg/day Rosuvastatin in the so called JUPITER trial in people with normal LDL, but elevated C-reactive protein: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0807646 It is interesting to...
  2. Vince

    Bill Blanchet MD on Eliminating Heart Attacks...and Much More!

    In the VITAL study (Vitamin D and omega-3 trial), participants took 2,000IU of vitamin D3 daily for 2 years. This dose is inadequate for most people. There was a 25% reduction in deaths from cancer when compared with participants who took a placebo.
  3. Nelson Vergel

    The state of testosterone therapy since the FDA’s 2015 labelling changes about heart risks

    Reference: Clinical Endocrinology. 2018;1–8. Summary Objective: A label change in testosterone (T) products in March 2015 followed a highly publicized FDA advisory committee meeting in September 2014. Changes included a warning of possible increased cardiovascular (CV) risks and...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    One More Reason to Take NAC: It May Dissolve Plaque

    At least administered via IV in mice. Cough syrup effective in stroke Paris, 12 June 2017 N-acetylcysteine (Mucomyst®, Exomuc®, Fluimucyl®) is commonly used as a treatment for clearing mucus from the airways, but researchers from Inserm Unit 1237, “Physiopathology and Imaging of...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Cynical Men Die Faster of Cardiovascular Disease

    High levels of cynical distrust partly predict premature mortality in middle-aged to ageing men. Šmigelskas K, et al. J Behav Med. 2017. Authors Šmigelskas K1, Joffė R2, Jonynienė J2, Julkunen J3, Kauhanen J4. Author information 1Department of Health Psychology, Lithuanian University of Health...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    High and Low Hematocrit Increase Cardiovascular Risks

    Analysis, showed that the risk of new-onset heart failure, compared with the risk in those with a low HCT, was 27% greater in those with a low-normal HCT, 47% greater in those with a normal HCT, and 78% greater in those with a high-normal level. The analysis was adjusted for age, sex, total...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Cortisol, Testosterone, and Coronary Heart Disease

    Abstract Background— There is a popular belief that chronic stress causes heart disease through psychoneuroendocrine mechanisms. We have examined whether an elevated circulating cortisol-to-testosterone ratio increases the risk of ischemic heart disease. Methods and Results— We undertook a...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Men with History of Heart Disease Benefit from Testosterone Replacement

    Men with Testosterone Deficiency and A History of Cardiovascular Diseases Benefit from Long-Term Testosterone Therapy This is a subgroup analysis of patients with a pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD, defined as diagnosed coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and/or stroke)...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Dr Morgentaler Clarifies Misperceptions of Testosterone and Heart Disease Risk

    I highly recommend watching this lecture. The video is a recording of a lecture by Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, which took place on March 22, 2015, in Madrid, Spain, at the annual meeting of the European Association of Urology (EAU). Dr. Morgentaler is a distinguished researcher and clinician...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Endocrinologist Group Questions Link Between Testosterone and Cardiovascular Risks

    The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) is speaking out on the use of testosterone therapy and whether it is unfairly being categorized as contributing to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). On Sept. 22, 2015, AACE, in conjunction with the American College...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone replacement does not increase heart attacks and strokes in young men.

    Int J Endocrinol. 2015;2015:970750. doi: 10.1155/2015/970750. Epub 2015 Jun 1. Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Risk in Young Healthy Men Treated with Injectable Testosterone. Tan RS Abstract This study was conducted to examine the association between testosterone therapy and new myocardial...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Does Testosterone Increase the Chance for a Heart Attack?

    "Many healthcare providers hesitate to initiate men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to the belief that these treatments increase the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. However, the data supporting this belief are conflicting. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 30 randomized...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Higher testosterone and DHT linked with reduced strokes. Estradiol had no effect.

    Yeap BB, Alfonso H, Paul Chubb SA, et al. In older men, higher plasma testosterone or dihydrotestosterone are independent predictors for reduced incidence of stroke but not myocardial infarction. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Context: Older men have lower testosterone...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Men with Low Testosterone and Higher Estradiol Are More Prone to Heart Attacks

    A recent study measured blood hormone levels in 149 patients who had a sudden cardiac arrest, comparing them with levels in 149 patients who had coronary artery disease but did not have sudden cardiac arrest. The study's findings include: Men who had sudden cardiac arrests had testosterone...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone is good for your heart

    Even though this study used what I consider not to be a good dose and frequency of testosterone administration, it still found testosterone replacement to be beneficial on the heart of men with prior history of heart disease. Abstract Background. According to the present evidences suggesting...
  16. Nelson Vergel

    Opposition from Medical Groups Heats Up Against Flawed Testosterone Paper

    Androgen Study Group Urges Investigation Into Ethical Violations By JAMA Regarding Controversial Testosterone Study Androgen Study Group alleges violations of "medical journal ethics and editorial integrity" regarding study reporting increased cardiovascular risks with testosterone. Claims...
  17. Nelson Vergel

    A new study of 25,420 older men showed that testosterone does not cause heart attacks

    Testosterone therapy does not increase heart attack risk, study shows Testosterone prescriptions for older men in the United States have increased more than three-fold over the past decade. Recent studies linking testosterone use with increased risk of heart attack and stroke have caused...
  18. Nelson Vergel

    Another Study Review Debunks Two Prior Flawed Papers That Linked Testosterone and Heart Attacks

    Can Urol Assoc J. 2014 May-Jun; 8(5-6): E356–E357. Published online May 21, 2014. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.1962 PMCID: PMC4039601 A critical analysis of testosterone supplementation therapy and cardiovascular risk in elderly men Jason Scovell, BBA,* Ranjith Ramasamy, MD,* and Jason R. Kovac...
  19. Nelson Vergel

    Another clinical review found no negative effect of testosterone on the heart

    A new analysis countered recent studies inking the use of testosterone therapy with increased risks of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. Among roughly 20,000 patients treated with testosterone over a 6-year period, the rate of new MIs was 30 per 100,000 and the rate of new strokes was 10...
  20. Nelson Vergel

    Researchers agree with ExcelMale.com's views on flawed testosterone studies

    I am very happy to see that several researchers agree with our views on the negative cardiovascular data published on testosterone replacement. Here are our views: http://www.excelmale.com/forums/75-Press-Releases-and-Position-Statements-from-ExcelMale-com Here are some letters to the...
  21. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after another negative study

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  22. Nelson Vergel

    Should Lawyers Be Suing Researchers who Performed Flawed Testosterone Studies?

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  23. Nelson Vergel

    Poorly Done Testosterone Studies Fuel Concerns and Lawsuits

    A study published at the end of 2013 and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given suboptimal testosterone replacement without proper monitoring and management of factors that can affect their health...
  24. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in TRT guidelines after another negative study

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies
  25. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies

    A new study published yesterday and a previously published one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see both below) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health...
  26. Nelson Vergel

    Safety of Testosterone Therapy in Older Men

    Safety of T Therapy in Older Men The use of T therapies in older men has been limited by concerns over adverse cardiovascular and prostatic effects. Several meta-analyses suggest T has been well-tolerated in the majority of studies in healthy older men. [141],[142],[143] The most frequent...
  27. Nelson Vergel

    High DHT was associated with decreased heart disease mortality in older men

    Abstract Context: Testosterone (T) levels decline with age and lower T has been associated with increased mortality in aging men. However, the associations of its metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E2), with mortality are poorly defined. Objective: We assessed associations...
  28. Nelson Vergel

    ExcelMale.com Debunks Misleading Testosterone Study

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...
  29. Nelson Vergel

    ExcelMale.com Debunks Misleading Study That Linked TRT to Heart Attacks

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...
  30. Nelson Vergel

    Estradiol of < 21.80 pg/ml and > 30.11 pg/ml resulted in greater mortality in men

    JAMA 2009 May 13;301(18):1892-901. doi: 10.1001/jama.2009.639. Circulating estradiol and mortality in men with systolic chronic heart failure. Source Center for Heart Disease, Cardiology Department, Military Hospital, ul Weigla 5, 50-981 Wroclaw, Poland. Abstract CONTEXT: Androgen...
  31. Nelson Vergel

    Total testosterone over 550 ng/dL reduced the risk of cardiovascular events

    In a revealing new study, researchers identified 2,416men (aged 69-81 years) who were not on any kind of testosterone- affecting treatment. These men were subjected to a battery of blood tests that included total testosterone and estradiol (estrogen). The first observation was that men with...