hcg trt fertility age testosterone

  1. K

    Regaining fertility after 3 years TRT

    31 year old male, been on replacement for a little over 3 years. Wife wants a kid. Am I screwed? I’ve been taking test 175mg/week and 0.5mg anastrazole. no hcg. is there a possibility that I could regain fertility from just introducing hcg now or would I need to come off and run a crazy PCT...
  2. N

    17 years TRT just started HCG 500mg x3

    Amazing web site, I've learned a lot. Thank you After 17 years of trt, I just started HCG 500 mg x3 weekly. Using 120 MG/ 60x2 T cyp weekly. Testicles are a little fuller 5 shots in. Don't know if I am primary or secondary. What are realistic expectations using HCG after 17 years of trt and...