hcg monotherapy

  1. Nelson Vergel

    500 IU of hCG Twice Per Week Used Alone in Men with Low Testosterone and ED- Study Results

    The study titled "Efficacy of 500 IU HP-hCG in the Management of Testosterone Deficient Secondary Male Hypogonadism," conducted by researchers at Chirayu Medical College and Hospital in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of low-dose Highly Purified Human Chorionic...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Study: hCG Increases Sex Drive and Improves ED in Men

    Understanding Testosterone Deficiency (TD) Testosterone deficiency (TD) is a condition characterized by insufficient testosterone production by the gonads. Regular morning testosterone (T) readings below 300 ng/dl are indicative of TD. Symptoms of TD can include poor libido, erectile...
  3. J

    Labs after one month of hcg mono at 1000 IU 3x a week.

    Last labs done 3 months ago: Test: 550 ng/dL LH: 10 FSH: 5 Normal E2 I feel no change in my symptoms. Thoughts? Also do I need PCT for low LH and FSH?
  4. J

    HCG monotherapy at 1000 IU 3x a week. Do I need PCT

    I have been having low test symptoms so my dr decided to do hcg mono at 1000 IU 3x a week for 2 months. When I asked him if pct is required he said no. Is hcg suppressive for 2 months use and do I need pct after?
  5. S

    HCG Monotherapy experience (just sharing)

    Prior to HCG monotherapy baseline: Total T ~350ng/dL SHBG ~17 nmol/L Estrodial ~25 pg/ml Free T ~13pg/mL. I was prescribed HCG 3x per week at 300 units each day. Results: Total T 326ng/dl SHBG 11 nmol/L Estrodial ~25 pg/ml Free T ~20pg/mL I should note that LH/FSH were 7/2 respectively before...
  6. S

    Switching to hcg mono?

    Hey guys, I’ve been on trt for maybe 10 years now, and have been experimenting on dosing etc. I was on 100mg a week test plus 1000 hcg weekly and my TT was 600 and free T 165 (35-155 range). Then I bumped up the hcg cause my testicles were still smaller , I bumped up to 1700 weekly hcg, now my...
  7. S

    HCG monotherapy and recovering the HPTA axis

    I am 36 with total T ranging from 350-400 ng/DL over several tests in the past twelve months. Other relative datapoints: SHBG is low (16.6, reference range: 16.5-55.9), LH at a decent level (6.8, reference range: 1.7-8.6). I told the doctor that I wanted to try Natesto/Troches, but he...
  8. T

    Moving from HCG Mono to TRT+HCG

    Hi guys, I promised I searched for an hour and didn’t find the answer, in case it is in a thread somewhere obvious. I am on HCG mono with decent results, but i need my T to be a little higher and E to be a little lower based on how I feel and bloodwork taken based on those feelings. When...
  9. aneuman

    3 months on HCG Monotherapy - more questions than answers

    Hello folks, I'm totally new here and not well versed in forums and stuff, so pardon me if I'm not following any expected procedures. A little bit of context and history to help explain my situation: 58 yo male. Have been experiencing ED for about 10 years now that has been resolved primarily...
  10. E

    Trying HCG Monotherapy

    Hey guys trying HCG monotherapy to see if I have any luck with it before going on T. Been feeling like shit for years and have been on an ssri for almost 5 years. I'm secondary so thought I'd try this route first and also because my wife and I want want to have another baby soon. Its been 6...
  11. S

    HCG Monotherapy Risks

    Hello, I am a 29 year old male, fit with low bodyfat and decent muscle mass (if that matters). I have a prescription for HCG Monotherapy that I am still deciding whether or not to use. Before anyone asks, I have no desire for TRT at this stage in life due to it permanently shutting down...
  12. A

    Doc started me on HCG Mono - low SHBG

    ]My Family Doc is ready to offer me TRT but I was hesitant given my age (32). He said we could try a round of HCG Mono to "jump start" my system. I just finished my second week of HCG - 1,000 its every 72 hours. I've been experiencing low T symptoms since my early 20s - biggest symptom being...
  13. Z

    Full Fertility recovery after long term high dose AAS

    I wanted to give my story for anyone who is or has been in this situation. I know there have been a lot of success stories given on here but one more couldn't hurt. From 2008-2018 I was on high dose AAS/testosterone with almost no ancillaries or HCG. I am now 41, so basically my entire 30s and...
  14. P

    HCG monotheraphy and libido

    Dear All, This is my first post so I initially want to thank you and Nelson for this wonderful site and community. It has been super beneficial stumbling to this site. I have been on TRT for 20+ years. I think my pre TRT T levels were 200 or so. With TRT my T levels are 450. Recently for...
  15. madman

    Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) alone for the treatment of men with low testosterone.

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin monotherapy for the treatment of hypogonadal symptoms in men with total testosterone > 300 ng/dL. Madhusoodanan V, Patel P, Lima TFN, Gondokusumo J, Lo E, Thirumavalavan N, Lipshultz LI, Ramasamy R Human Chorionic Gonadotropin monotherapy for the treatment of...
  16. R

    Some questions regarding HCG monoteraphy, past AI / E2 issues etc.

    Hello. So little history, I had few month run with arimidex only over a year ago for trying to boost lowish T which was a terrible mistake. Since then (even months and months after quitting) I've had persistent symptoms which consist of for example almost constant sweating/hot flashes type...
  17. B

    HCG Mono - Not the Results I Was Expecting

    37M here, looking for advice on what to do next. Brief history follows. I have had low T for several years now, former opioid addict and Urologist thinks secondary hypogonadism based on LH & FSH). I tried HPTA restart a few years back with Clomid which brought total T from about 160 ng/dL to 250...
  18. N

    4 week results with HCG mono therapy for secondary case

    21 year old male... started HCG mono therapy with 1,000IU 2x per week. Had bloodwork re-tested after 4 weeks the results are as follows. Labs pre HCG on 4/21/18 Testosterone total- 49ng/dL range: 240-950ng/dL Testosterone free -0.78ng/dL range: 5.25-20.7ng/dL SHBG- 72 nmol/L range: 17-56...
  19. N

    HCG Monotherapy experiences and when to give up?

    As a secondary case of hypogonadism I began therapy 4 weeks ago with 1,000IU injections 2x weekly. I have yet to have to retested blood work to see if it has improved my levels, but I have not noticed any benefit yet. My question is based off of peoples experiences how long does it usually take...
  20. H

    Frequency of HCG *MONOTHERAPY* doses

    Hi all, I realize there's another active thread with a similar question - but this is slightly different, so bear with me. After 9 years of Clomid monotherapy, and then 6 months of Clomid/anastrozole, I'm currently on HCG monotherapy - not taking anything else - and the benefits are amazing...
  21. O

    Possible Gyno on HCG monotherapy/arimidex

    Hey all, this is my first post. I'm sorry if this is not the right place for this but i was seeking some guidance since I'm sort of freaking out due to possible gyno symptoms on my HRT protocol. Im 27 years old, started taking HCG 1000IU 3x a week (Mon/Wed/Fri) mid December. I noticed my...
  22. R

    hCG mono at 7 months | | Thyroid eval?

    Thyroid interpretation requested too. Thanks! Hi, due to circumstances beyond my control I was OFF my hCG mono therapy for 5 full days prior to this Nov draw. This explains ( I hope) the T at 116). How does that skew the other results? Symptoms: morning fatigue, improving since hCG. Serum...
  23. R

    Doctor: NO phlebotomy once 52% reached - O.K. to use leeches?

    Hi, Doc will discontinue hcg and will also not prescribe any alternate such as cyp once hematocrit reaches the upper limit of 52%. He specifically does not believe in phlebotomy -ever-. I am now at 50.5% in my 5th month of hcg mono. I posted my labs in the appropriate thread but got no...
  24. G

    New guy here - Recently got bloodwork results back

    Hey Guys, I'm new to this forum and glad to be part of this online community. First off I want to thank Nelson for everything he has done and is doing for us. I recently purchased Testosterone, a man's guide, I read it front to back a few weeks ago and immediately went to get bloodwork the...
  25. R

    Lab results Month 5 on hCG mono Increased hematocrit high free T- low SHBG

    hcG mono therapy now 541+ plus in the fifth month 62 y.o. visceral adipose Ja-Mar 15: baseline 199 to 300 after stopping gel for several months. >10 years non-compliant gel hCG mono started April 2015 10,000i,u,/week labs June new regimen 500 did not work now 1,000 E3D new labs Sept (below)...
  26. R

    proposed tests and timing: ruling out thyroid 16 weeks in to hCG mono

    Hi, Anything missing from this proposed test lineup (below last labs)? 62 y.o. d hypoG >20 yrs, no recent TRT, past gel hCG mono beginning April 2015. baseline TotT 200-300 went to 700 in 6 weeks Arimidex added in July, 1/4 2xWeek diagnoses: hyperestrogenism, gyno, hypogonadism,metabolic...
  27. R

    62 y.o. with new dedication to hypoG control. Past TRT - current hCG monotherapy - many labs

    mods: please move this if it's in the wrong place. summary: I used hCG monotherapy successfully to raise T in less than a month from a starting point of 298 total / 88 free to 693. I am 62 y.o.and had been diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism more than 20 years ago. Although...
  28. N

    Help getting the most out of Arimidex/Anastrozole for upcoming labwork...

    Want to get some opinions regarding getting the most out of Arimidex/Anastrozole for upcoming labwork. I am on HCG Monotherapy and inject 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday & Friday. 2 months ago I started taking Anastrozole twice a week, Monday & Thursday, which brought my high e2 from 94 to a...
  29. N

    HCG Monotherapy - Latest labs and question

    Looking for some guidance to help solve this complex puzzle of getting my T levels to an optimal range. Long story short, I started out with Total T @ 252 and diagnosed as secondary. I started HCG monotherapy which raised my total T to 617 but my e2 went up to 94! I then started .2mg of...
  30. N

    Looking for much needed help - Low T, younger, HCG monotherapy

    Hey all, New member here looking for some relief to my exhaustive struggle to correct my low T. I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on my situation. I apologize in advance for my very thorough post! I'm not really sure where to start for the sake of boring you all to death so I'll just...