
  1. phalloguy100

    Why is it a bad idea to take clomid/gonadorelin while on TRT?

    I have read in this and other forums that taking clomid, gonadorelin, or kisspeptin while on TRT is a waste - that those things are used more for PCT, to regain testicular function. But why is it wasteful, or even contraindicated, to use those medications while on TRT? How does one harm the...
  2. J

    Which "part" of the HPTA is the hardest to "turn on" during PCT?

    I am getting off testosterone after two years (if you want back story, you can read my previous posts, and I'm unable to perform any conventional PCT as I cannot tolerate SERMs. I have, however, been entertaining the idea of using GnRH or hCG as a way to "prime" the body before coming off TRT...
  3. C

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    TL;DR: Over a period of seven weeks, treatment with GnRH and enclomiphene raised LH and FSH from around 0.1 mIU/mL to about 1.0 mIU/mL, even though TRT and hCG dosing were continued. Subjective results have been encouraging. I had written previously on the subject of GnRH suppression on TRT...
  4. C

    Is GnRH suppression hurting us?

    Admittedly the last thing we need is some other nebulous danger to worry about that may not even exist. Read on at your peril. TL;DR: Testosterone replacement therapy suppresses the production of GnRH. Receptors for GnRH are found in places besides the pituitary. One animal model suggests GnRH...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Factors affecting spermatogenesis upon gonadotropin-replacement therapy: a meta-analytic study.

    Factors affecting spermatogenesis upon gonadotropin-replacement therapy: a meta-analytic study. Rastrelli G, Corona G, Mannucci E, Maggi M. Andrology. 1 OCT 2014 A meta-analysis was performed to systematically analyse the results of gonadotropin and GnRH therapy in inducing spermatogenesis...