
  1. W

    1/2" Glute injections

    Tried searching for this, but could't find anything on here about injecting shallow IM in the glute. Does anyone do this with blood work to back it up?
  2. I

    Feel better on Glute Injects?

    So I recently switched from EOD injects with an insulin syringe back to twice a week glute injects and feel much better ( more motivation, energy, etc ) has anybody else noticed something similar? I am using the 23 gauge needles (1”) so maybe going deeper has helped?
  3. J

    question on glute medius injection

    All - For awhile I had been injecting into my glute medius, the bulging aspect you see when you place your weight on one leg and stick your hip out .... I thought this was the ventroglute, or at least a part of it. Anyway, I pinned this spot for a few months and never had a problem. Then I...
  4. W

    SubQ injections* in glute while sitting down?

    Can I successfully inject subcutaneously T, HCG or TB500 in my glute while sitting down? I cannot remain in a standing position (without moving) due to knee injuries...