free test

  1. A

    Normal Total T, Normal SHBG and Estradiol.. but low Free T??? why?

    Got my bloodwork back. Im not on TRT. for some reason everything looks fine besides my free T. any idea why that might be?
  2. T

    Free testosterone question?

    So I’ve finally found a good protocol for me that works. I take 60 mg injection once a week and it’s been working great for me. I take in a Monday morning and just had blood checked on a Thursday night and it’s still 545 and my estrogen is well within range.The only thing is my free is 8.9 which...
  3. B

    Natural Testosterone diurnal patterns? trying to dial in TRT and dose timing, etc.

    Has there ever been studies done on natural diurnal patterns of healthy males... such as blood taken ever hour or 2 hours throughout a 12-24 period to see how steady Total and Free Test levels are? From my limited research the consensus is that Testosterone is the highest in the AM and falls...