
  1. M

    Free T low, total t high.

    Free T... My total test came back at 900 on a scale of 250-850. But my free came back low, 11, on a scale of 9-22. shbg is 45, Inj frequency is 2x a week. (80 mg total for week) What else should I be looking at as to why my free T is lower?? THX
  2. A

    Phone app to compute free T (Vermeulen, Mazer, Södergård) and immunoassay calibration

    Dear Excelmale members, Recently, I've been working with the help of a friend (actually he did most of the work) on an Android software that helps in the computation of free T (contains Vermeulen, Mazer, Södergård, ...) and that generates reports that link the values obtained to the current...
  3. D

    Please delete

    Thread deleted
  4. C

    Is my free testosterone low?

    As the title says, is my free testosterone low? I am in my 20s for reference
  5. DixieWrecked

    Free Test and Symptom Resolution

    I was just curious where everyones free test sits according to your labs and how you feel. I ask that teh discussion be kept to a minimum. I know there are many other factors besides free t but i would like to take a survey just to get this one data point. example: I am at 25pg/ml and i feel...
  6. J

    Tru T calculator - what is the range?

    Labcorp 'normal' range for Free T is 6.8 - 21.5. Obviously, the Tru T calculator produces much different results. For example, on a recent test, my Labcorp Free T was 27.7. The Tru T measure yielded 46. This begs the question, what is the ideal range using the Tru T method. I saw in some...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    New Testosterone Blood Test on

    This total and free testosterone blood test panel does not have an upper limit for either testosterone fraction. Some bodybuilders using higher dose testosterone may justify the use of this test. For men and women on testosterone replacement doses, this panel is not justified. We offer 2 other...