finasteride side effects

  1. D


    Probably wasting my time buut here goes I crashed from finasteride in 2009, but got to a very good level in 2013, after two years of chronic fatiue impoitence tinnitus and so on. in and out psych wards and on abilify, prozac, quetiaine and some other shite. I recovered to a great degree in...
  2. B

    MPB and Finasteride (side effects/dosing theory)

    If Finasteride has a cumulative effect then it wouldn't matter what dosage someone was taking as the finasteride would continue build up in the body to levels that would eventually cause side effects, it's just that a lower dose would take more time to achieve the negative side effects as...
  3. J

    Finasteride and Suicide Risk

    A doctor reports on a case series where finasteride increased suice risk. It seems that it sometimes makes some men feel so miserable that they consider suicide. The abstract says: An important pattern of symptoms was common among all cases who committed suicide in the setting of finasteride...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Propecia Side Effects: Court let Merck hide secrets about baldness drug's risks

    " Use of the drug remains widespread. It is now sold as Propecia and, since 2013, in generic versions under the chemical name finasteride. Last year alone, finasteride was prescribed for hair loss more than 1.6 million times in the United States, according to healthcare data company IQVIA. U.S...