
  1. O

    Semen Analysis Results - approx 14 months after discontinuing TRT and AAS cold turkey

    Gentlemen I had a semen anlysis done last week and I thought i would post the results. My background is that I engaged in ~8 years of steroid and TRT use. Mostly the latter in the final 2-3 years of my journey. I never did hcg consistently (nor AI for that matter) I tried essentially every...
  2. Vitamin_C

    Able to wife pregnant

    42-year-old male, I have been on TRT for 10 years at 180mg/week; I have also used HCG throughout at 1000 IU/week, split into two doses. My wife and I are having our baby girl tomorrow, so it is entirely possible to conceive while on TRT; I am a big fan of utilizing HCG as well. I was prepared to...
  3. phalloguy100

    Tips for insurance coverage of TRT and ED meds

    I see a lot of posts here from U.S. users stating that “insurance does not pay” for hCG, FSH, Trimix, and even some testosterone products. Although that may be true of some health plans, I have found that coverage is often permitted via prior authorizations and paying close attention to...
  4. C

    My fertility journey

    Hi. Long time since I have posted any.. We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :) Fist time: 115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started...
  5. J

    FSH+hCG+TRT Semen Analysis

    I was on Test Cyp 70mg 2x a week + hCG 750 IU 2x a week when I did my first semen analysis. I did the 2nd semen analysis after adding 75 IU FSH 3x a week, changing hCG to 1000 IU 3x a week, and keeping test cyp the same at 70mg 2x a week. I also tested 17-OH Progesterone LCMS at the same times...
  6. M

    Absolute minimum dose of HCG for fertility?

    Is there any data on what the minimal dosage of hcg is to keep 'the guys' working while on TRT? I'm asking this because hcg seems to rise estrogen and I'd like to keep that to a minimum. Also, I might want to have kids later but not exactly now, so I'm looking for a guideline for the minimal...
  7. G

    Is depression along tiredness normal for a clomid restart after Trt? Almost 6 weeks in i believe. Really hoping for another baby

    questions in bold below for those who want to skip... Reddit is of no use and ive read through some stuff here but any encouragement or advice would be huge. Me and my wife just turned 37 and im sad we waited so long to try for our second. On trt for 3 and a half years and hcg didnt work. On a...
  8. H

    Fertility cycle.

    Okay guys. thought I’d run a journal to keep track of my fertility log. I have used AAS since 2010. Came off 2014 to get my wife pregnant and it was a success. Our girl is now 8 I went back on cycle and two years later my wife decided we try again. (2016) Unfortunately it was a struggle coming...
  9. J

    How bad is a hCG lapse for Fertility?

    I'm on TRT + hCG (Pregnyl) + FSH (urofollitropin). How bad is a lapse in hCG for fertility? About 2 weeks. My Pregnyl Rx got messed up so I ran out. Maybe the urofollitropin has some LH in it??
  10. J

    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    I want to run HCG in order to improve my fertility numbers. I’ve got 3 10,000iu bottles of HCG that my doctor prescribed for me, but I’m concerned that taking this will suppress my own testosterone production…leaving me low T or a need for a “PCT” once I stop the HCG injections. Am I off base...
  11. J

    Came off TRT 2 years ago: my balls are much smaller than before and decreased fertility, but hormone levels are good. How can I get back to normal?

    I was on a low dose of Tesy Cyp for years…about 110mg a week. I tried using HCG while I was on, but couldn’t ever get the E2 response controlled, and it also skyrocketed my T levels as well. So I just used test cyp on its own…nothing else. I eventually wanted to stop TRT. I took HCG at 500iu...
  12. E

    ASIH & Regaining Fertility

    Hello all! Long time competitor in BB and currently trying to conceive. I’m doing self-administered therapy, post self administered years of ped use leading to what I believe is secondary hypogonadism (was fertile before use). This therapy consists of: 1500iu HCG MWF 50iu HMG TTHSa 50iu rFSH...
  13. J

    Semen Analysis Results

    I was on 70mg test cyp and 750 IU hCG twice a week when I took these. I'm planning on upping hCG to 1000 IU, probably decreasing testosterone, and adding 125 IU FSH twice a week. I will redo my semen analysis in 4 months. Anyone have any suggestions? Should I alter any of those doses or...
  14. L

    Does anyone know what these results mean?

    Hi guys I am on 2000iu hcg x3 a week and menopor 225iu x2 a week I have primary hypogonadism and last seman analysis was azoospermia so menopor injections was added. I have recently done another seman analysis still waiting for the results but I am no expert but my blood test results are not...
  15. Y

    Options for retaining testicular function while on trt

    Hello, I am a 33 year old male and have low t. I have been on trt for the past 2 months but after meeting with a urologist today he put me on Clomiphene, given my concerns about fertility. The issue I am running into is that my insurance (Medicaid) won’t cover fertility drugs and the pharmacy...
  16. 2

    Having a baby on trt

    Is there any risk of having a deformed or disabled baby while on trt amd hcg or after stopping trt to conceive? I was always only under the impression it lowered sperm count but now I'm reading it can mutate sperm amd effect the quality as well
  17. J

    Helpful to add Enclomiphene to TRT for Fertility?

    I'm on testosterone cypionate, hCG, and anastrozole. Would adding enclomiphene help with fertility? I wish I could add FSH but I can't find an affordable, non-sketch source. I understand there's a negative feedback loop with exogenous testosterone. But, wouldn't blocking the estrogen...
  18. FunkOdyssey

    TRT as Birth Control: Semen Analysis Results

    It seems like most guys that perform semen analysis on TRT are taking things like hCG and FSH in order restore their fertility. I'm curious about the opposite: has anyone on TRT without hCG performed semen analysis in order to confirm their infertile status? I know people caution against...
  19. K.pietera

    Lump on right testicle

    Hi my friends I am using ovitrelle 6500iu pen for 5 weeks right now for fertillity. The doc here in Belgium prescribed me the whole pen 2 x a week 3500iu. I'm also on 100mg test trough transcrotal appl. The issue I have found recently is that since 4 dans ago I discovered a small lump...
  20. J

    Bloodwork & FSH

    For the last 3 months I’ve added HMG twice a week along with my HCG. HMG is at 75ius each shot. I’ve been on TRT a long time and am trying to recover fertility without going off. For the vast majority of my time on TRT my FSH levels have been negligible (via bloodwork) at < 0.1. Now after 3...
  21. K.pietera

    how to get my wife pregnant

    Hi friends , I am on TRT for 4+years now. Transcrotal cream 100MG testosterone a day.` ( 30 years old right now ) 2years ago my wife and I wanted to get pregnant so I did a sperm test and it came out I was azospermic .. Now I started a protocol of HCG 6500iu split in 2x 3250iu. The doc told me...
  22. J

    How hard is the shift to Clomid from TRT?

    I'm thinking of shifting from test cyp + hCG to enclomiphene or Clomid for fertility? How difficult and how long would the transition be?
  23. N

    HCG/Clomid/Enclomiphene for testicular growth without trt?

    Hey guys, I need your help. I got some severe testicular atrophy going on. from bigger than a walnut to smaller than an almond in over a year. Sometimes they disappear completely and the sack is shrunken. I never took Testosterone so I can't really figure out whats going on down there, but it...
  24. C

    Dangers of Raloxifene / gyno

    Hi. I have been on TRT for some years now. Feeling great. My girl is days away from having our first child, looking forward to it. For those wondering, I was on 115 mg testosterone enanthate (split 2* week mondays am and thursdays pm) and 500iu hcg EOD from january to july. We first got...
  25. C

    Low dose HCG + low dose Enclomphipene for sperm banking

    Hi all, Long time reader, first time poster. I am 27yo, been on replacement for about 2.5 yrs @ 120 mg/wk due to secondary hypo from pituitary damage (resulting from multiple concussions requiring hospitalization). As a natural, I could never produce more than 300ng/dl. Lowest test was 140 and...
  26. D

    Trying to conceive. Hmg AND clomid?

    Little background on me. I’m 38. Been on trt for almost 10 years. Many of those at very high levels of “trt” (200-250mg)… history of a few heavy steroid cycles. We have an 18 month old baby that took about 6 months to conceive while staying in trt and hcg/FSH (75iu 3x/week and 1000iu hcg 100...
  27. A

    Has anyone here been on TRT long term (years) with no HCG and Regained fertility?

    Ive read many anecdotes of people on TRT with HHCG long term or people who run cycles regainging fertility, but what about people who have run TRT only (no HCG, clomid, etc..) and regained fertility after years?
  28. M

    HCG Not Boosting LH?

    Hi everyone, I've been on a weekly protocol of 80mg test E (40 mg 2x per week) + 1,000 IU HCG (500 IU 2x per week) for about 12 months. I've done bloodwork twice in the last few months and surprised to still see my LH/FSH levels at basically 0. The key blood levels were as follows (generally...
  29. S

    HCG for fertility

    Started my TRT journey a little less than 3 months ago with 160mg Test C per week. Since beginning the protocol, I've decided that fertility is important to me, but live in a state where HCG cannot be shipped by my telehormones provider. I've used alternate methods to obtain a supply of HCG...
  30. H

    Feared unintended results of using Testosterone when I was younger

    Hi all, This is my first time posting on this site and I'm looking for some advice, success stories so let me just get to my story. When I was around 35 some friends and I used Testosterone for enhanced work outs etc. We used it for about 3 months. Fast forward to today I'm having issues...
  31. T

    Fertility and low shbg protocols

    hello, I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere, Could those guys who have successfully had children with low shbg please discuss their fertility protocols. HCG was a double edge knife, with a shbg of 7 Am considering enclo..