fat loss supplements

  1. Seagal

    Fat loss diet optimization ++

    Has anyone experience on acceleration of fat loss by means of fat loss 'ancillaries' such as: HGH Clenbuterol Cardarine T3 Carnitine In particular, how much could you increase your maximum natural fat loss as explained here: https://builtwithscience.com/diet/fat-loss-one-week/
  2. A

    How to Take Armour Thyroid with Fitness Supplements

    Hello Nelson and Excel Male Community… First and foremost, I want to thank you for the advice you gave me last year. You were 100% correct. I did not need to be on TRT. (Low Testosterone + High Estrogen + Obesity = Is TRT really the solution for me???) Soon after the above post, I consulted...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Video: Truth and Lies About Fat Loss Supplements

    Today's google hangout with Jerry Brainum was a great success. I bet that anyone that watches this video will learn things they have never read before anywhere else about fat loss supplements. Take the time to watch it ! Here is the transcript: TRT Men's Webcast Rewind: Truth and Lies on...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Jerry Brainum: Truth and Lies About Fat Loss Supplements

    Today's google hangout with Jerry Brainum was a great success. I bet that anyone that watches this video will learn things they have never read before anywhere else about fat loss supplements. Take the time to watch it ! Here is the transcript: TRT Men’s Webcast Rewind: Truth and Lies on...