fasting glucose

  1. H

    Stopping Metformin transient glucose increase

    For those who stopped taking metformin. Did you experience a transient increase in fasted blood glucose? My blood glucose on metformin has been around 90 (97-99 without it before using). After a few weeks of quitting metformin i had bloodwork done and fasted blood glucose came at 105. Wondering...
  2. M

    Glucose "flatlines" to morning from last meal

    Been on a LCHF (50-55% fats, 35% protein, 10-15% carbs) diet for several years. Euglycemic up to now, never been dx'd as T2D or pre, although I carry several genetic variants that predispose me to it. My post-prandial blood glucose (PPBG) levels are normal, rarely exceeding 125 as are my a1c...