facial skin

  1. BadassBlues

    Regenerative and stem cell-based techniques for facial rejuvenation

    Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2021 Aug; 246(16): 1829–1837. Published online 2021 Jun 8. doi: 10.1177/15353702211020701 PMCID: PMC8381699 PMID: 34102897 Regenerative and stem cell-based techniques for facial rejuvenation J Sarah Crowley,[/URL] Amy Liu,[/URL] and Marek Dobke[/URL] Author information...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    OC Eight Professional Mattifying Gel for TRT related oily face

    Testosterone replacement therapy can dramatically increase oil and sebum production on your face, specially if you have oily skin at baseline. I have found this face gel to be great at erasing that greasy look quickly. It lasts about 6 hours or more depending on the amount and the degree of...