
  1. B

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing.

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing https://www.escardio.org/The-ESC/Press-Office/Press-releases/Evening-dosing-of-blood-pressure-medication-not-better-than-morning-dosing Barcelona, Spain – 26 Aug 2022: A pragmatic randomised trial in more than 21,000...
  2. D

    Water retention when I inject @ evening and less when @ morning, ideas why ?

    I feel the best emotionally and get the best sleep as close to being natty when I inject ED around 12,5mg Test Prop in the evening prior to bed. Been experimenting for quite some time and indeed there is a very big difference. Wake up full of energy and feel calm during the day. Also this...
  3. K

    EOD injections - Morning or evening?

    Hi guys, search didn't come up with anything, maybe you can give me your opinion. I've switched my protocol to EOD injections - after experiencing the trough of my doctor-prescribed E2W (!) protocol twice, I've had it. Plus, weird thing, I actually like injecting daily, as it gives me an easier...