estrogen e2 estradiol crash low arimadex a

  1. Drug350

    Why is my Estradiol so Low ??? How can I raise it ???

    It's been a while since I posted but it's been a tough year ever since I crashed my Estrogen (under 2 pgml) about this time last year when I was also taking closer to 200 MG's test Cypionate per week believing my UGL Arimedex was bunk. Turned out to be very real. Well as you can imagine, having...
  2. G

    High E2

    E2 came back high over 180. I've been feeling symptoms, basically been feeling like a walking bitch! Wanting to cry about shit, asking my wife if she really loves me, man its pitiful. I've been on TRT for a good month now, at 100mg a week(split doses at 50mg). Was feeling really great at one...
  3. Z

    Someone please help really need advice and answers

    So I have posted on this board a few times over the last couple weeks. Real quick long story short. 2 Monday’s ago I took a dose of my AI ‘when my doctor told me not to take it anymore, I took it because I thought my e2 was getting high’ anyways fast foward to now. My libido is none existent. A...
  4. Z

    What Causes High DHT?

    I was just wondering what causes high DHT? I have read somewhere that it can be caused by low e2 which can cause “DHT rage”. Thanks!
  5. B

    Crashed E2 for months

    Hey guys, been feeling crappy for a long time and really running out of ideas here, read every forum on the planet but found no help. I’m 28yo, 210lbs, 14%bf been on and off AAS/TRT for 3 years. So I was running A new brand of test that I was told was good and unfortunately didn’t question...