estrogen blocker

  1. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    My old dr was a dr who was all about not treating E2. He said let it go as high as you want and it won’t be a problem. Well I am seeing a new dr now and my e2 sensitive was 45. My libido has been super low, my anxiety kind of high, also my junk shrivels up to nothing along with my scrotum...
  2. H

    Arimidex AI and ingrown hair (neck) with electric shaver

    I've had a panasonic $300 electric shaver for 7 years. After I started Arimidex in April I'm getting frequent 1-2 reddish bumps (not open, pretty large, painful, inflamed) on my neck under chin (I only shave neck, electric) every other week or two. I guess those are ingrown hairs, I guess...