estradiol testosterone hormones shgb trt

  1. D

    SHGB and Estrogen levels

    I’ve read many posts about how your Estrogen levels should mirror your shgb levels. What is a guy to do if his shgb levels are low? My shgb is at what should I be seeking for E2 levels? Thanks
  2. O

    My Shbg Increased

    New to the forum have a quick protocol question if someone doesn't mind answering I have a shbg of 44 nmol/L was 35.9 but has slowly creeped up last 6 months would a once a week or a every 3.5 day shot be better of test cypionate Thanks
  3. Z

    What is a good level of SHBG?

    So it seems I probably have wore out my welcome with questions on this site. No one really seems to answer anymore. But I am going to ask another and hopefully someone responds. Was wondering if having SGHB be in the mid to high 40s is better then having it in the low 20s I get labs don’t tell...
  4. A

    Need urgent help with hormones

    Hello guys! I am new here and really hope somebody can help me with understanding whats wrong with me. I am a 28 year old guy with sedentary lifestyle. About 4 month ago I started having terrible panic attacks and generally feeling unwell and depressed. I constantly feel hot my heart is...